Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Lessons Learned

This Monday is my angel's 6th birthday. How appropriate for us to celebrate at the beach! Bailey just thrived there, each time we went. We will stand on the beach and release 6 balloons, watching them float up to Heaven. I always get pretty emotional around this time, but a "good" kind of emotional. I shed tears, but good tears. Bailey's birth was a very touch and go situation, but a total miracle. So when we celebrate her birth, we can't help but be grateful! I was thinking the other day about how much Bailey taught me and how my outlook on life changed so much. I wanted to share some of the lessons we learned from raising a special needs child, with a terminal genetic disorder.

1. We are not in control.
I am a planner. I like to know when things are going to happen even before they do! I always had a "plan" for my life and knew just how I wanted it to unfold. Well, the funny thing is, when you think that way, God has a way of reminding us that He is in control, and He is making our plans.

2. When you are handed lemons, make lemonade.
From the moment Bailey was born, we were handed bad news. Every doctor, every bit of research, every bit of medical science was negative. To our surprise, we were given a fighter who was here for a reason. We had no idea Bailey would be on earth for 3 1/2 years. We had no choice but to think positively.

3. Be grateful.
God gives us life. It can also be taken away. I have burried my 1st child and now see how fragile life is. Be thankful for every moment of every day. :)

4. Our problems aren't so bad after all.
My innocent child struggled to breathe every day of her life. She couldn't feed, talk, walk, or use the bathroom on her own. Yet, she continued to smile and was pretty much just thankful to be here. When I think of the petty things that upset me, do I really have it that bad?

5. This too shall pass.
O.k.... did we cry? Yes. Get mad, question God, fight, and so on? You better believe it. How did I get through it? Heavy medication! Again, this too shall pass.

Thank you Bailey for making 3 1/2 years some of the most wonderful days I'll ever have.


Mrs.K said...

You are SUCH an INSPIRATION to me! Your outlook on her life as well as the journey and life lessons you learned are always so empowering! You are a strong and courageous woman, and I hope that I can be half the mother to my child that you have been to Bailey and Addie!

oh yeah....I might need some tips on how to get that "distinguished" hair though!! ;)

MRH said...

You are so filled with faith ....I'm in awe!!! I think you are a precious "chosen" mommy!!! Happy Birthday, Bailey!!!


Davidson Family said...

Amanda, I have always looked up to you and you continue to inspire me. You are such a strong person and great mom. I will be thinking about ya'll during this time.