Friday, May 1, 2009

From the Mouth of My Babe

One of these days I'm really going to do what people tell me and write down all the memorable quotes from my daughter.

It started early this week with "Mom, We've got a problem!!!!" Well, she was RIGHT. Kermit escaped. Who knew the little booger (1.2 inch tadpole) could get out of my tupperware overnight! I guess we will "smell" him in a few days.

Then, as some of you know, I got a "Hey Mom, pull my finger and see what happens!!!"
Thanks, Calvin.

The absolute best was last night. This was the conversation:
"hey dad, wanna know how boys and girls are different?"
"Um... I guess so?"
"Well, girls... they're mommas. They cook, clean, and take care of all the babies. They do everything. Boys... they're daddies. They don't do ANYthing!!!"

Gotta love a 3 year old, calling it as she sees it!

1 comment:

The Dendy Family said...

Please tell Addie she just made my day...that is the funniest thing I have heard in a long time:)